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Why you need it

More than 80% of sale losses occur after the first interaction with the brand. It is particularly true for B2B services, which primary aim is getting into the shortlist of companies for selection. With our system, you will never be overlooked by a potential client. Rest assured, your prospects will be displayed only precisely targeted and highly relevant ads. Always in the right place and at the right time.

After you target ad campaigns at your CRM leads, you’ll get

  • Increased number of sales
  • Reduction of cost per sale rate
  • Faster movement through the funnel to your goal
  • Additional touchpoint with your leads

What we do

To improve the sales process and make your ROI much better, we implement:

Integration of your sales CRM via API to your Facebook and Google Ads accounts.

Creation of communication and creatives for each stage of your funnel.

Setup of ad campaigns at your Facebook and Google Ads accounts.


Get more sales

Your CRM leads are warm. Help them make the decision faster - show them relevant ads.

Turnkey solution

We do everything from our side: API integration, creatives creation, tests.

Targeted message

Your leads will see communication messages based on their funnel stage.

Experienced team

Every single member of our team has a huge PPC experience.

Your accounts

We integrate the solution into your accounts. Everything is under your control.

24/7 support

We provide 24/7 support and you will always get answers to all your questions!

Results you can achieve

Less Time To Conversion

Your users will get an additional touchpoint with your brand

100% relevant ads

You'll show your ads only to the leads from CRM

Increase loyalty

Users will interact more with your brand

Omni-channel ads

Your users will see ads exactly where they are

More sales

You'll get more visibility through your leads and, thus, more sales.

Decreased price per sale

When you target at 100% relevant leads, the price per sale through your ad channel will drop.

Process and how we work

We make the process of integration very simple and fast

  1. Your CRM system and ad accounts analysis

    We analyze your sales CRM system, ad accounts and estimate different stages of your funnel in order to create the best integration.

    CRM system analysis

    We analyze how you are interacting with your CRM leads.

    Ad accounts analysis

    We analyze your Google Ads and Facebook Ads accounts structure.

  2. Integration plan

    We create a step-by-step plan of your CRM leads integration to Google Ads and Facebook Ads accounts.

    Audience integration

    We design how and when to upload your leads audience to Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

    Stage-based communication

    We design how and where to show messages to your users based on the stage of the funnel they are at.

  3. Implementation

    We create the necessary scripts to implement our plan into the life.

    CRM leads to ad accounts

    We upload your CRM records to Google Ads and Facebook Ads via API.

    Ad campaigns creation

    We create ad campaigns for each stage of the funnel.

  4. Test and analysis

    We test the completed integration and estimate the results.


    We conduct tests to make sure that everything is working as it should.

    Result estimation

    We estimate the results for such metrics like conversion rate, price per conversion and apply changes to the integration/campaigns if needed.

Why we run our company

We run our company because we believe in the digital marketing era, laser targeting and that we can do what we do better than any other company.

Some stats

Projects implemented
Avg. number of days to complete a project
Team members
Online support team availability

days per year

CRM we are working with

About our company

Our company specializes only in the API integration of your sales CRM to ad accounts. We launched it in 2018, and have 7 projects in our portfolio. We make every single customer happy delivering perfect results due to the communication of a brand with the customer.